

Today was Alex's first day at preschool.

She was excited, and carefully chose her outfit: twirly dress, flower tights, & well-loved Dorothy shoes.

In a flash, the morning pushed us along and into the car line at school.

And in a moment, she was off.  My butterfly fluttering by.

I cannot lie.  A part of me was excited while the other half welled with tears. But I remember a quote that I saw yesterday that sums up my feelings
"When it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain there would be no rainbow." -Gilbert Chesterton
So I'm ending this day with one last stop to her room to kiss and hold the babe who is growing up so fast.


The Salty Dogs said...

Flutterby, indeed. Thrilled (though not surprised) to see the excitement on her face.

Jen said...

Aw, hoping (but guessing) that she enjoyed her first day as much as Nick enjoyed his!